Monday, November 7, 2011

The Devil Wants You to Go Green

The green movement has been gaining a lot of strength and you are seeing more and more people attempting to do better by their environment.  The only problem is that much of what people do to save the environment is really not helping at all.  Let me give you an example:  recycling. How can this be bad you ask?  Well, let’s think about it.  What is the main issue with pollution?  It’s waste.  What people don’t realize about recycling is that you have even more trucks on the road burning fuel to go pick up these containers and that you are using more fuel processing these items through a recycling plant as well as producing more waste by cleaning them and breaking them down again.  We want to keep our landfills small because those big trash heaps become demonized after awhile, but how bad are they really?
Landfills get a bad rap, but in actuality, they are a means to an end and can also be beneficial as well.  There are many landfills that harbor the methane gas which is naturally released when trash is decomposing, thus, giving power to the community and the facility itself. We are not likely to be drowned in trash quite yet and if we ever get to live that long to see that point, I can guarantee you trash will be the least of our problems.

You see lots of talk about fuel consumption and gas efficient cars, but most of the ozone damage we have experienced is not from your mustang or shitty gas guzzling truck, you can thank all the militaries of the world for that, because they burn a hell of a lot more fuel than the average person does and I don’t see many people I know igniting massive bombs all throughout the planet.  Our government personally has detonated well over 30 atomic bombs and now you are guilt tripped into buying a more fuel efficient car because you don’t want to ruin the ozone layer.  Seriously folks, we didn’t start the fire, but we’ll damn sure burn in it.

Another big thing is organic foods.  Let me be the first to tell you it’s a misleading term and an excellent marketing ploy and a horrible use of land.  Did you know that if we converted all the crops we have to organic that the planet would starve in a few months?  With organic crops, you need more land to grow less food.  Another kicker you may not have known?  They use pesticides, but let’s be clear, not the advanced ones that we have been tailored after years of use, but older, cheaper ones that aren’t nearly as effective.  So not only are you paying more for something, you are still eating poison.  Many groups have also done taste tests where they would give someone two apples and ask which one tasted better and if they thought it was organic or not.  Well, should be no surprise that nearly everyone thought the non-organic one tasted better and even people that REGULARLY ate organic foods, seemed to prefer the non-organic alternative. 

The problem with this day and age is that we are a guilt ridden generation, thinking that the whole world is going to shit before us.  It isn’t folks.  Global warming?  All increases in the earth’s temperature have been directly linked to increased solar activity, you know that huge ball of fire above you and there are just as many natural sources of destruction on this planet as there are artificial.  I’m not trying to say that the destruction of our planet is justified, what I’m trying to say is that as an individual, we all don’t add much to it.  It’s that classic scapegoat mentality that has us all thinking we will be the new messiahs of our environment when it’s the very people telling us how to save the planet are actually the ones responsiblefor its larger scale destruction. 

I will say that not all recycling is bad, the one thing you should recycle is aluminum and batteries, but just about everything else is better off made from scratch.  The fact is that we live on a planet with billions of people and things are going to get messy eventually.  If we want to care for our environment, we should enact tougher restrictions on big companies like BPand devote more of our scientists to the pursuit of the future of man-kind and not figuring out which perfume makes a woman smell better.  I think we live the lives we do because we can and when the time comes that we realize that it is no longer possible to do so, we will adapt, after all, for all the creatures on this planet, doesn’t it seem that we are the most ill fit to live here sometimes?  We have technology though and society itself,and thus, we have spread ourselves to nearly every little corner of this planet, no matter how inhospitable. 

So if you must go green, then just know you are doing it to make yourself feel better.  Also realize that the people with the greatest amount of impact tend to not give a shit, because at the end of the day, they want to come home to a big house like you do and watch a big TV and acquire whatever it is their little heart’s desire.  The time to stop blaming ourselves is here and the time to put problems back into the arms from which they came is upon us.  So screw green, let’s go red, as in I’m pissed that other people are fucking my world over, making money off of it, and then wanting me to fix it by altering my lifestyle.   

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