Tuesday, November 1, 2011

7 Super Bowl Benefits for Non Super Bowl Fans

There is just no denying the tradition of Super Bowl herein America.  In a few hours, I can bet you money that if you drive up and down your street, you will notice just about every other house engorged with partying people and a veritable car show parked up and down each side of the street.  I’ve never been much of a sports fan, as I can count the number of sport’s games I watch a year on one hand, but I do enjoy the Super Bowl, though it obviously has nothing to do with football itself.  Below I have listed seven benefits to the Super bowl for those of you who don’t like sports, so please enjoy!

7.  Women.  When and where there are parties, you will find lots of ladies and even the homiest of homebodies usually makes it out to one or more Super Bowl parties, so hit that Binaca guys and try your smoothest pick up lines. 

6.  Unity. When everyone is doing nearly the same thing, there is a sense of belonging that radiates through the air. Even if you aren’t going for either team, it’s still fun to cheer along with whoever is supported at whatever party you happen to be.

5.  Bad Ass TVs.  I would have to estimate that at least 5% of people in this country go out and buy a new TV before the Super Bowl, so what better way to stay in touch with all the new brands and features in today’s modern television sets then to sample one for nearly half a day?

4.  Bets. There is no doubt that many fans have put their money where their mouth is and have placed some decent sized bets on their favorite teams, so if someone happens to owe you money, this may be your lucky break, although it can also work against you if it’s a friend who loses the bet and they wind up bumming money from you for lunch for the following two weeks.

3.  Booze. Oh, the drinking!  There is nothing quite like free booze and beer and little else can create an atmostphere of unabandoned hedonism and crude consumerism like people getting sloppy during important sports games. With alcohol in one’s systems, the normal emotional response to the game is enhanced to sometimes near critical levels, causing remotes to be thrown,bottles to be broken, and every curse word imaginable being yelled with heartfelt emotion at the rival football team. 

2.  Super Bowl Commercials.  As a company, when you put your product out there on a day when you know EVERYONE will be looking, you HAVE got to put your best foot forward and therein we have the Super Bowl Commercials.  There can be some real gems created when our best marketing gurus twiddle their thumbs in an effort to create a memorable and thus profitable ad, after all, if it costs you millions just for a second of air time, you might want to go beyond the norm and make something special.

1.  Food. You have jalapeno poppers to potato skins lined up on tables and counters; standing tall are bottles of soda and big bowls of freshly made and often times spiked punch; bags of chips are nearly everywhere and nacho cheese sauce and tortilla chips reign supreme at the center of most snack tables.  It is a day where you will consume more sodium in four hours then you would have normally throughout the course of the entire week.  This is also a time when just about every mother, father, boyfriend, girlfriend, and grill aficionado will be busting out their culinary secret weapons in honor of game day, so be sure to arrive hungry!

There you have it, folks, as you can see there is much to enjoy even if sports aren’t your thing. It’s not whether who wins or loses but who throws the best party and who has the best time.  One thing I’ve always liked about Super Bowl parties is that you don’t need to be into any particular team to have a good time.  For the most part, the fans are into it enough themselves and don’t require your love or enthusiasm, though if they ask for it and you’re eating their food, by all means be a good guest!  We can’t also forget the simple fact that events like the Super Bowl pump a lot of money into the economy, so if anything, celebrate for the simple fact that you can afford to do so.  I also feel compelled to say if you’re going to drink, find a place to pass out instead of driving your drunken ass home or you can simply do as I do, get there early, drink a lot, and then gradually sober up as the night progresses. Enjoy the day, folks.

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