Monday, November 7, 2011

Chaos Theory, Fractals, & Possible Theories on God

When I was in high school, I remember watching Jurassic Park and much like everyone else, I was blown away by the movie.  So much did I like the story that I actually went out and got the book to gain an even deeper perspective into the idea and in doing so I learned more about the mathematician who was so quirkily played by Jeff Goldblum.  Although the character himself was pretty cool, what caught my eye in the story was the brief mention of chaos theory.  Chaos theory is the belief that tiny changes in a given system can produce large systematic changes,which was popularly coined as “the butterfly effect”.   Fractals, which are patterns that repeat themselves with varying degrees of self-similarity, are often used in defining many types of chaotic systems.  I was intrigued by the idea of self-similarity, because it showed that if you looked deeper into something you would find that the parts making the whole, looked much as the whole did itself.  For example,an atom by itself mirrors the look of the solar system that all those atoms combine to create.

How far does this self similarity extend though is impossible to tell since as we know the universe is continually expanding.  How does any of this relate to God, well,it’s very simple: by acknowledging an infinite number of possibilities as well as the multiple onion layers of existence, we can come to a very basic crude assumption that just about anything is conceivable.  There could be a million God’s, each with their own little universe that they spark up, expand out, then eventually snap back again, much like a child playing with a yo-yo.  God could also be in actuality, an alien or aliens from some other planet who sought to change the course of our evolution by implementing morals and the fear of a higher power.  Ancient civilizations spoke of visitors from above, so is it totally far-fetched that beings from an infinitely expanding universe came to this planet and made us who we are today?  Maybe we are biological experiments devised to prepare planets for our creator?  Some may think it’s blasphemous to even think this, but what if the opposite is true, that it’s insane not to believe it?

All of these theories are pretty much impossible to prove,but despite this fact, the very possibility of some of them definitely provides a few answers to some long standing questions, specifically, why is man so different then all the rest of the animals? What if, though, we’re completely wrong though and we’re not as unique as we think but just as primal as the dogs we walk and the roaches we kill?  Could it be the very evolution of our society has been planned from the start to facilitate our later reunion with our creator or creators?  Earth itself could be some sort of universal purgatory, to test the fortitude of many species and if we were created, is it possible that our creators were once like us?  I think as we learn more about ourselves and exactly how we tick, it begins to open up a wide array of possibilities.  Think of how far we’ve come in the last 100years, what will reality be like if we live another 500? 

I’m not attempting to dispel any one else's vision of who or what God is, but I’m simply trying to see the possibility of the concept on the same logical terms I have tried to see everything else in my life.  Does it matter to me whether God is a celestial being or an alien in a spaceship who can control my thoughts with advanced technology and telepathy?  I can say without doubt that either one is far superior to me in knowledge, awareness and power, so they would both be a god in any right.  Also, who is to say that aliens do not have compassion for us either, maybe they literally are listening to your prayers and affecting changes on microscopic levels enacting the miracles we have all heard or bare witnessed to personally. What if there is no emotion involved in God though and instead, it is not so much a creature but an indefinable force that winds the gears of the very universe? 

Then there is the conundrum of if some other creature plays God to us, then who played God to it? Obviously, I would not write an article like this with any specific intent to change any one’s mind, but rather to open up the possibilities for the limits of what we call existence.  I want to think that in the end it doesn’t matter who’s up there but who we are down here.  There will come a time when we all will have to face the touch of death and when that time comes, whether it’s tomorrow or fifty years from now, I want to know I lived a good life, for when it all flashes before my eyes, I want a damn good show before the lights go out for good!  Whether I go to Heaven,come back as a woman’s bicycle seat, or simply add my own unique energy to that of the universe, I know I’ve had my spot on the time line and I intend to enjoy it while it lasts.

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